5 ways to unblock AnyPorn

Having problems with access to AnyPorn.com? AnyPorn.com blocked by government or employer? No more messages like "This site is not available in your country"! This may happen in some countries like Turkey, Indonesia, Pakistan, Malaysia and many others. Don't worry we have a simple and fast solution that will allow to you bypass Internet censorship. If you are unable to acccess AnyPorn.com using the usual way here are some alternative ways we recommend you to try. We will describe to you various of block methods and explain differences between them. Please keep in mind that the ways below require that you have administrative privileges on your desktop or laptop. Follow our instructions below and you will be able to watch blocked videos on AnyPorn and bypass your network restrictions. It also may improve your internet anonymity and access any other website from your country and may be some more benefits, such as faster websites loading speed and encrypted traffic.
Go to Anyporn.com

Unblock AnyPorn modifying DNS servers

The simplest way to unblock AnyPorn is to change original DNS servers in your network adapter. As you may already know, web browsers queried DNS servers to gather the IP address of the domain name when you try to visit a website. It's simple to bypass that if accessibility to AnyPorn is blocked by your Internet Service Provider with DNS.

Open the Network and Sharing Center, right-click with the mouse on the active Internet connection and select Properties, then select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), click on Properties, enable the option Use the following DNS server addresses, now type in Preferred DNS server field, and in Alternate DNS server field, finally click on OK button. You only have to change your Domain Name Server, reboot your browser and thats it. More info about what the Domain Name System is and how it functions is also to be found on developers.google.com.
If switching your DNS did not unlblock it - there are more options.

Un-censor AnyPorn with Google cache

Google and other search engines preserve a cache of web pages that are spidered by their robots and are present in their index. So, it is possible to get through network restrictions to AnyPorn using Google Cache. Google Cache is good for a site that does not get updated very often, and you just want to get some information - for example doing some research. Google Cache is something like a backup of the site that Google has archived - so you won't be able to access AnyPorn properly with it. It allows you to browse a website URL maintaining as domain name googleusercontent.com so this way you can fool website blockers or firewall software.

To access a cached website, simple do a Google search with site:anyporn.com, then click on the cache link. Another way to view the cached version of a web page is by using the cache:anyporn.com search query.

Get access to AnyPorn using hosts file

The hosts file is something like a Domain Name System system. It's give us possibility to map one or few domains to a single IP address or a list of domains to list of IP addresses, and, of course locate the blocked site's domain like AnyPorn.com to its unblocked IP addresses and then bypass the internet censorship. Pretty cool, huuuh!? So, where is the hosts File Located? For Windows, this should be in the following address: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc. First of all click on Start and type in Notepad and than right-click the Notepad listing to bring up the context menu. Click on the option Run as Administrator. In the Notepad select File > Open. Type C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts in the file name field and click open. Now you can add the following lines:    ap1.cdnbm.com ap2.cdnbm.com ap3.cdnbm.com ap4.cdnbm.com ap5.cdnbm.com    ru.anyporn.com    es.anyporn.com    img.anyporn.com    anyporn.com
Now save the file. Press Ctrl+S or select File > Save in the notepad menu. You may still need to relaunch your browser. But, if all the IP addresses of AnyPorn are blocked in your area, you can't unblock it by changing the hosts file.

Bypass network restrictions via TOR

Tor is a volunteer-ran anonymous network that can be used for bypassing any form of network surveillance. If you haven’t yet heard about TheOnionRouter, well it’s good time you did.Is a free software that protects the privacy and security of its users by channeling data through multiple nodes. There is few ways to use TOR: TOR browser, Tails OS, Whonix OS and others.

The Tor Browser lets you use Tor on Mac OS X, Windows, and GNU/Linux. It is portable software and it can be run off a USB flash drive. The Tor Browser automatically starts Tor background processes and routes traffic through the Tor network. More info about Tor Browser.

TAILS or The Amnesic Incognito Live System is a security-focused Debian-based Linux distribution that you can start on almost any computer from a DVD, USB stick, or SD card. It is a kind of computer-in-a-box. Tails relies on the Tor anonymity network to protect your privacy. The OS also comes with built-in encryption tools: email client, web browser, image and sound editor, office suite, instant messaging client, etc. More information.

Whonix is a Debian based desktop operating system. It’s based on the Tor anonymity network and it's ideal for maintaining a secret identity. The operating system consists of two virtual machines, a "Gateway" which force all network traffic to go over the anonymity network Tor and a "Workstation" which runs all user applications. DNS leaks are impossible, and not even malware with root privileges can find out your real IP. More abour Whonix.

Unblock AnyPorn using the VPN service

VPN is the most efficient  anti-censorship tool. VPN (Virtual Private Network) emulates a LAN connection between your computer and remote server and routes all the traffic via this connection. By using VPN service you can: hide your IP address, encrypt all the TCP traffic, watch blocked videos, hide your traces on remote websites, bypass ISP restrictions, and even more benefits, such as anonymous use uTorrent/eMule/DC++ and WIFI security. One of the best VPN services is SecureVPN. It provides you with free account and easy to install client software for Windows, mobile apps for Android, iPhone and iPad. The advantage of VPN is that it guarantees that all applications  on your computer/device  that use Internet does so via an encrypted tunnel. It's also faster than the alternatives and works on every device and every network.